

Tips to prevent summer injuries

Tips to prevent summer injuries

Tips to prevent summer injuries Admin 23-12-2023 Tips to prevent summer injuries Summer months are fast approaching and people are…



Tips for Safe Gardening Admin 23-12-2023 Tips for Safe Gardening “Spring is the time of plans and projects” – Leo…

Staying healthy this summer

Staying healthy this summer

Staying healthy this summer Admin 23-12-2023 Physiotherapy With the summer fast approaching, many of us are trying to make the…

Run Smart

Run Smart

Run Smart Admin 23-12-2023 Physiotherapy Choosing the right pair of running shoes can be a daunting task, especially when facing…

Prevent neck and back pain while working from home

Prevent neck and back pain…

HOW TO SAFELY VISIT YOUR RMT AMID COVID Admin 20-12-2023 Manage Therapy Many of us are recently working from home…

Prevent neck and back pain while working from home

Prevent neck and back pain…

Pregnancy and Physiotherapy Admin 23-12-2023 Pregnancy and Physiotherapy “Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation,…

Staying healthy this summer

Staying healthy this summer Admin 23-12-2023 Physiotherapy With the summer fast approaching, many of us are trying to make the most of

Run Smart

Run Smart Admin 23-12-2023 Physiotherapy Choosing the right pair of running shoes can be a daunting task, especially when facing the vast

Upper back and neck pain or tension in sedentary jobs: Common causes Admin 23-12-2023 Physiotherapy Upper back and neck pain or muscle

Falling behind on your New Year’s resolutions? Admin 23-12-2023 Massage Therapy Getting in shape is one of the most popular and the

When do you need a physiotherapist? Admin 23-12-2023 Physiotherapy We often get asked when should I see my Physiotherapist? Traditionally physicians are

Tips to prevent summer injuries Admin 23-12-2023 Tips to prevent summer injuries Summer months are fast approaching and people are eagerly waiting